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The content on our website has been compiled with appropriate care and attention. We cannot, however, guarantee that the content is correct, complete or up to date. We are not required to monitor third party information transmitted or stored or to search for circumstances indicating illegal activity. This does not prejudice any duty under general legislation to remove or block the use of information. No liability can be owed in this regard, however, until such time as we have knowledge of a specific breach of the law. If any such breach of law should become known, we will remove the content without delay.


The contents of the website are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Except files specifically offered for downloading (for use without modification), the use of the texts and illustrations, even excerpts from them, without the written consent of Rain Carbon Inc. or its subsidiaries is not authorised. 


The information on this website is purely for the purpose of presenting Rain Carbon Inc. and its products and services. It is provided on an "as is" basis and without warranty of completeness, correctness or any other kind, expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or non-infringement of third party rights. No reliance should be placed upon materials or information on this website.

Rain Carbon Inc. recommends verifying any information obtained from this website prior to its use.

Users of this website agree to access the website and its content at their own risk. Rain Carbon Inc. shall not be liable for any damages incurred in connection with this website.




